<<if $strategyExists is "false" >>
<span id="select-button"><<button [[Select Strategy|Phase 4]]>>
<<set $strategyExists = "true">>
<</if>><<set $conceptMapSubjects = ["All", "English", "Liberal Arts", "Humanities", "Science"]>>
<<set $conceptMapTypes = ["All", "Test Prep", "Review", "Reading", "Homework Problems", "Lecture"]>>
<<set $cornellNotesSubjects = ["All", "English", "Humanities", "Math", "Science", "Social Studies"]>>
<<set $cornellNotesTypes = ["All", "Reading", "Test Prep", "Review", "Lecture", "Homework Problems"]>>
<<set $tChartsSubjects = ["All", "Math", "Science"]>>
<<set $tChartsTypes = ["All", "Homework Problems", "Lecture", "Test Prep", "Review"]>>
<<set $annotationSubjects = ["All", "English", "Humanities", "Science", "Social Studies"]>>
<<set $annotationTypes = ["All", "Reading", "Test Prep", "Review", "Homework Problems"]>>
<<set $homeworkAsTestSubjects = ["All", "Math", "Science", "Social Studies"]>>
<<set $homeworkAsTestTypes = ["All", "Test Prep", "Review", "Homework Problems"]>>
<<set $strategyExists = "false">>/* <<countdownTimer>> Widget - Start */
<<widget "countdownTimer">>
<<set _seconds = $args[0]>>
<<set _minutes = Math.floor(_seconds / 60)>>
<<set _replacementPassage = $args[1]>>
<div id="timer" class="timergreen">Time remaining _minutes:<<= (_seconds - (_minutes * 60)).toString().padStart(2, '0')>></div><<script>>
if (!recall("countdown", undefined)) {
setup.countdown = { startTime: new Date(), lastStr: "", passage: passage() };
memorize("countdown", setup.countdown);
} else {
setup.countdown = recall("countdown");
if (setup.countdown.passage !== passage()) {
setup.countdown = { startTime: new Date(), lastStr: "", passage: passage() };
memorize("countdown", setup.countdown);
setup.countdown.intervalID = setInterval(function () {
if (setup.countdown.passage !== passage()) {
setup.countdown.passage = "";
} else {
var curtime = new Date(), str, seconds = State.temporary.seconds;
var diff = Math.floor(seconds - ((curtime - setup.countdown.startTime) / 1000)), min = Math.floor(diff / 60);
if ((diff >= 0) && (diff < seconds)) {
if ($("#timer").length) {
str = min + ":" + (diff - (min * 60)).toString().padStart(2, '0');
if (str != setup.countdown.lastStr) {
setup.countdown.lastStr = str;
if (diff <= 10) {
if (!$("#timer").hasClass("timerred")) {
} else if (diff <= 20) {
if (!$("#timer").hasClass("timeramber")) {
} else {
if (!$("#timer").hasClass("timergreen")) {
$("#timer").removeClass("timeramber timerred").addClass("timergreen");
if (diff < 0) {
$("#passages div.passage").empty().wiki('<<include "' + State.temporary.replacementPassage + '">>');
delete setup.countdown.passage;
}, 200);
/* <<countdownTimer>> Widget - End */<<if $userStrat is "Concept Maps">>
<<include "Concept Maps">>
<<if $userStrat is "Cornell Notes">>
<<include "Cornell Notes">>
<<if $userStrat is "Annotation">>
<<include "Annotation">>
<<if $userStrat is "T-Charts">>
<<include "T-Charts">>
<<if $userStrat is "Homework as a Test">>
<<include "Homework as a Test">>
<</if>><h1><span class="strategy-title">Concept Maps</span></h1>
<h3> <span class="step-word">Step 1</span> Decide what concept you will explore and write it in a big circle the center of a piece of paper</h3>
<p>Think about what main idea, philosophy, theme, or concept your next test or quiz is over. If you struggle to come up with a topic, it may be helpful to look at the name of the chapter or unit your class is studying. Instructors will often organize their syllabi into units, so looking at the syllabus may also help to decide what concepts to map. Asking the instructor for specifics about an upcoming exam is an easy way to know what will be on upcoming tests and quizzes.</p>
<p>Add the main concept to the map as a large circle in the middle of the paper. These circles are known as nodes</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/CM/Concept-Mapping-Step-1.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Concept Maps Image 1">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 2</span> Brainstorm significant details, ideas, definitions, information, and personal connections to the main concept and add them as nodes around the central circle</h3>
<p>Adding related concepts and details as nodes to your map shows what connections you can make from the main concept to other ideas discussed in class.
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li> What have I read in the textbook about the main topic? </li>
<li> What has the instructor said in class about the main topic?</li>
<li> What first comes to mind when I think about the main topic?</li>
<li> What topics are listed on the syllabus about the main topic?</li>
List the main ideas around the central topic and circle them. There is no limit to how many nodes you can add. Add as many as you can without making the space too crowded. Nodes can have one word or be short phrases or sentences. Try to keep them as short as possible.</p>
<p>In the example below, the “Articles,” “Founding Fathers,” “Amendments,” and “Branches of government” nodes have been added to the map. These ideas were important concepts mentioned by the instructor in lecture and discussed in the textbook at length.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/CM/Concept-Mapping-Step-2.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Concept Maps Image 2">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 3</span> Connect the nodes with arrows and a short phrase that relates the two ideas</h3>
<p>Using arrows are useful and help express how the concepts are related. Arrows show the flow of your thoughts and help you read the concept map when you review it.<p>
<p>Adding a short phrase or word to the connecting arrows helps put into words how the concepts are connected, aiding memory and recall. Creating these connections require critical thinking, which results in a deeper learning of the information. These connections should make sense to you and show your understanding of the concepts. The phrases can be anything that expresses the relationships between the concepts, but should also be as short as possible.</p>
<p>Connections can be made between any nodes in your map. The more connections you can make, the more deeply you will process. learn, and remember the information.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/CM/Concept-Mapping-Step-3.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Concept Maps Image 3">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 4</span> Expand on the significant details and ideas surrounding the main concept</h3>
<p>As in step 2, brainstorm ideas, details, and information about the nodes you have added to your map. Remember to think about what your instructor and textbook have mentioned about the concepts in your map. Connect the new nodes with arrows and a short phrase or word as in step 3.</p>
<p>Repeat this step until you have added all the information you can recall about the nodes you have added to your map. Add as many nodes as necessary, but try to keep the map for becoming too crowded.</p>
<p>In the example below, 3 nodes were added to the “Article” node and connected as “Examples” because they are example of Articles found in the Constitution. 3 new nodes were also added to the “Amendments” node. A node defining the term “Amendment” was added to the map and connected by the term “Definition.” A node explaining the process of creating an Amendment was added and connected by the term “Process.” The other nodes added to the concept map are similarly connected by phrases and arrows that show the nature of the relationship between the concepts.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/CM/Concept-Mapping-Step-4.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Concept Maps Image 4">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 5</span> Look for concepts that you need to study more</h3>
<p>Concept maps show you what you know about a concept, and what you don’t know. Nodes that do not have many connections show what concepts you need to review and study. Look for the concepts on your map that lack connections and add more links to your map so that all nodes have a few connections. This may require reviewing your textbook or notes to find more information.</p>
<p>Some important concepts may be missing from your map as well. Reflect on what you have learned in class about the information in your map. Is there an important concept that the instructor or textbook has mentioned that is missing? If so, review your notes and textbook and add it to the map.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>Could I teach all the concepts on my map to a friend?</li>
<li>Are there any topics missing from my map?</li>
<li>What nodes do not have many connections?</li>
<li>Did I struggle to create connections to a topic?</li>
<p>In the example above, the “Founding Fathers” node did not have very many connections in the concept map, showing that it was a concept that needed further review and study. After looking over notes and the textbook, information was added to the map below. “James Madison” is connected to the “Founding fathers” node by the term “Author” because he was the main author of the Constitution and the “Articles of Confederation failed” node is connected to the “Founding Fathers” node by the term “reason” because that is the reason the Founding Fathers created the Constitution.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/CM/Concept-Mapping-Step-5.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Concept Maps Image 5">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 6</span> Frequently review your concept map until you can teach it without looking at it. The more you review your notes, the better you will remember.</h3>
<p>Spacing out your study is key in helping you remember and retain information. Every day, or a few times a week, review your concept map by looking it over. Better yet, try to recreate your concept map by drawing it from memory. Repeat this process until you can easily explain all the concepts and connections on your concept map.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>Can I draw my map from memory?</li>
<li>Can I explain each concept to a friend?</li>
<li>What questions would they ask about the concepts on my map?</li>
By thinking about what questions the students in your class would ask you, you are preparing yourself for the questions you will see on your test. Review your map, notes, and textbook until you feel you could teach the concepts on your map and answer all the questions students would ask.</p><h1>Cornell Notes</h1>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 1</span> Using a piece of notebook paper, create your Cornell notes by drawing a horizontal line 5 lines above the bottom of the paper, and a vertical line about 3 inches from the left side of the paper.</h3>
<p> Cornell notes neatly divide your paper into different sections which allow you to interact with information in multiple ways and learn the content more deeply. The largest section of your notes is for you to record the information from your lecture or textbook. The left column is where you will brainstorm possible test questions from the information you have recorded. The bottom column is where you will write a quick summary of your notes.</p>
<p>In the example below, the notebook paper has been divided into three sections.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-1.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Cornell Notes Image 1">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 2</span> Add the topic of your notes at the top of the page</h3>
<p>To help organize your notes, add the main topic to the top of the page. This is an important step so that you can quickly find your notes when you need to review for a text or quiz.</h3>
<p>To identify the topic, it may be helpful to look at the title of your instructor’s powerpoint or the title of the chapter you are reading. Your course syllabus may also have the day’s topic listed.</p>
<p>In the example below, the instructor’s powerpoint was titled “Causes of the Industrial Revolution”, so that was used as the title for these Cornell notes.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-2.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Cornell Notes Image 2">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 3</span> Add your notes to the notemaking section of your paper</h3>
<p>Fill in the large section of your notes with information from your instructor or textbook. Focus on the main ideas that the lecturer or textbook is discussing.</h3>
<p>You can make your notes in whatever style you prefer and that are most appropriate for the information. You can create an outline, draw diagrams, or simply make note what information is being emphasized by the lecturer or textbook</p>
<p>Leave space in your notes so you can add more notes later.</p>
<p>In the example below, the information added was identified as the main ideas from the instructor’s powerpoint and lecture. Information that was stressed by the instructor was also added. As it is impossible to write everything a instructor says down, abbreviations and symbols were used in making these notes. For example, “I.R.” was used instead of writing “Industrial Revolution.” Also, the information is spaced out so that more notes can be added later. This is best seen under “3. Capitalism” section of the notes. The instructor mentioned the name Adam Smith, but no other information was noted because the instructor moved on too quickly. So, a few lines of space were left to allow information to be added later.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-3.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Cornell Notes Image 3">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 4</span> Immediately after class or reading the chapter, look over your notes and fill in any missing information so that your notes make sense to you</h3>
<p>Just because your class is over or you have finished reading a chapter does not mean you are done learning. Reviewing your notes as soon as possible after class or after finishing the chapter allows you to clarify the notes you had to make as the instructor was talking or while you were reading. If you find parts of your notes that don’t make sense to you, clarify those notes by reflecting on what the lecturer or textbook said.</p>
<p>Reviewing your notes immediately after class allows you to better remember the information and more able to clarify your notes. If some of your notes still don’t make sense to you, ask a classmate, look in your textbook, or visit your instructor’s office hours.</p>
<p>In the example below, the notes were looked over after class ended to identify any information that may be unclear or doesn’t make sense. The “Adam Smith” section of the notes were unclear because there was only a name with nothing about their accomplishments or importance. Also, the term “capitalism” was noted, but the notes did not have an explanation of the concept. So, using the class textbook, information about Adam Smith and capitalism were added to make the notes clearer and more detailed.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-4.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Cornell Notes Image 4">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 5</span> Create possible test questions in the question-making section</h3>
<p>After you have completed your notemaking section, create questions that you can answer using that information and write them into the left column of your notes. Self-testing is a research-proven method of deeply learning information.<p>
<p>The effectiveness of your questions depends on your ability to create high quality questions. In creating questions, you want to create the type of questions that your professor will use on the exam or test. If they use multiple choice questions, create multiple choice questions. If they do short answer, create short answer questions. The goal is to try and simulate the test that you will be taking as best you can.</p>
<p>To aide in your question-making, use the following stems:
<li>Explain why/how…</li>
<li>How does… affect….?</li>
<li>Why is… important?</li>
<li>What are the causes and effects of…?</li>
<li>What are the differences and similarities between… and…?</li>
<li>What are the strengths and weaknesses of</li>
<p>If you create a question that you cannot answer using your notes, add information to your notes so that you can. This process helps you identify gaps in your notes and helps strengthen your notemaking skills.</p>
<p>In the example below, test questions were added in the left column that could be answered using the information in notes. The goal was to create questions that an instructor would likely put on a test or quiz. The first question “what are the 5 causes of I.R?”, helps identify all the causes discussed by the instructor. The second question. “why is the Ag. Rev important” tests for knowledge about that specific cause and how it contributed it the Industrial Revolution. The “how are capitalism and population related?” requires being able to compare and contrast two of the causes. The last question also requires a deep understanding of the content to be able to correctly answer, which is how many instructors write their questions.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-5.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Cornell Notes Image 5">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 6</span> Write a short summary of your notes in the bottom section</h3>
<p>After you have completed your notes and added test questions, write a quick summary of all the notes on your page. This step is important in helping you synthesize and remember the information in your notes. The more you interact with your notes, the better your memory will be.</p>
<p>To aide in writing a summary, pretend that you are explaining your notes to a friend or family member. Summaries can be seen as answering the question “so what?” or “why is this information important?” When reviewing your notes, your summary should allow you to quickly remember the main idea of that page of notes.</p>
<p>In the example below, the information in the notemaking section was summarized in the bottom section. In writing the summary, care was taken to combine all the information into a few sentences that also explain why the information is important. The causes of the Industrial Revolution were mentioned and connections were made between the information presented in the notes.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-6.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Cornell Notes Image 6">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 7</span> Frequently review your Cornell notes until you can easily answer the questions you have created</h3>
<p>Spacing out your study is key in helping you remember and retain information. Every day, or a few times a week, review your Cornell notes by covering up the notemaking section and answering the questions you created in the left column. You can also fold your paper to cover up the notemaking section.
<p>Repeat this process until you can easily answer all your questions without looking up the answers. Before a test or quiz, gather up all your Cornell notes and test yourself using the questions you have created.</p><h1>Annotation</h1>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 1</span> Preview the text you are reading by looking over the titles, introduction, subheadings, pictures, graphs, and summary or conclusion.</h3>
<p>By previewing a text, you are helping your brain build a better idea for what you are about to learn. Think about it as building the scaffolding of a building. Previewing builds the basic structure in your brain of the concepts you are learning. Your brain can then more easily fill in the details about the concepts because it has an overall structure it can connect new information to.</p>
<p>Reading the introduction and conclusion/summary of a textbook helps you get an understanding of what you are about to read about. It’s ok if you don’t understand any of the topics or ideas during your preview. You will begin to understand as you read.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>What will this chapter or text be about?</li>
<li>What words or concepts do I see most?</li>
<li>What do I already know about the words or concepts I see?</li>
<li>What can I learn from the graphs or pictures I see?</li>
<p> At the end of your preview, reflect on what you saw and make a guess as to what you will be reading about. This will be your learning goal. As you read, think about how the information you are reading connects to this goal. If you realize the text is about something else, that’s ok! Change your goal and read to connect information to the new goal.</p>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 2</span> Actively read and annotate your book by making notes in the margins and marking the text</h3>
<p>Annotations are simply notes that you make in the text you are reading. Annotations act as guides for you when you review the text and allow you to engage with and elaborate on the information you are reading about. This leads to a deeper learning of the content. However, annotation is a skill that requires practice. The more focused practice you have, the better your annotations will be.</p>
<p>If possible, make your marks directly on the pages of your book. If not, use sticky notes. If you are using a digital copy, use the highlighting and note-taking tools available in your digital reader program.</p>
<p>Everyone annotates their text in their own way and you will develop your own style the more you annotate. Some of the most effective annotations strategies are listed below. Be sure to use a combination of these strategies when making your own annotations.</p>
<p>Highlighting or underlining texts is one of the most common annotation techniques. However, research has shown that highlighting is not effective for many students. This is because many students highlight text without thinking about why they are highlighting. Reflecting on why you are highlighting a certain sentence or phrase is key to using highlighting as an effective annotation technique.</p>
<p>The goal of highlighting or underlining text is to isolate key information or the main argument of the text you are reading. By going back and reading what you have highlighted, you should get the main idea of what the paragraph or section is about without having to reread the entire section.</p>
<p>Keep your highlights to a minimum. Highlighting too much defeats the purpose of isolating key information. Only highlight the most important points.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>Which sentence is the most important in this paragraph?</li>
<li>Why am I highlighting this word or sentence?</li>
<li>How does what I am highlighting or underlining connect to other information in the text?</li>
<p>In the example on the below, the main ideas of the author in their section are highlighted. The main idea was identified through reading the paragraphs and then reflecting on what the author was trying to communicate. While the main idea for most paragraphs is highlighted, not every paragraph will necessarily have important information. While highlighting these sentences, the reason for highlighting that particular sentence was consciously identified along with connections between the highlighted information in previous paragraphs.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/A/A-1.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Annotation Image 1">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<p>Summarizing sections of your text checks your understanding by putting the information into your own words. After every section or topic in your book, write a short summary in the margin or on a sticky note. Do not copy from the text. You must use your own words for summarizing to be effective. Effective summaries transform the information into your own personal language. If you are unable to use your own words to summarize the text, then you may not understand the information fully. If so, reread the section or seek assistance from a classmate, tutor, or go to the instructor’s office hours.</p>
<p>The goal of your summaries is to allow you to read them and quickly remember/understand the main idea of the section of your text was about. This makes reviewing for tests and exams much quicker than rereading the entire chapter.</p>
<p>Your summaries should be brief, yet detailed. You can summarize sections, paragraphs, or even important sentences. Again, you must use your own words.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>How would I explain this section to a friend or family member?</li>
<li>What are the most important points in this section?</li>
<li>Why is this information important?</li>
<li>How does this section connect with other topics in the text?</li>
<p>In the example below, the summary for the section titled “The Heliocentric Model” is written at the bottom of the page. The summary defines the main topic, then explains the main idea of the section in a few sentences. By reading this summary, one can quickly understand the main points of the section without having to reread the entire section.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/A/A-2.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Annotation Image 2">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3>Creating Test Questions</h3>
<p>Self-testing is a research proven method to effectively learn and process material. Write possible test questions in the margins next to the text that answers the questions. This way, you can review your textbook by flipping through the pages and answering your self-made questions.</p>
<p>The effectiveness of your questions depends on your ability to create high quality questions. In creating questions, you want to create the type of questions that your professor will use on the exam or test. If they use multiple choice questions, create multiple choice questions. If they do short answer, create short answer questions. The goal is to try and simulate the test that you will be taking as best you can.</p>
<p>To aide in your question-making, use the following stems:
<li>Explain why/how…</li>
<li>How does… affect….?</li>
<li>Why is… important?</li>
<li>What are the causes and effects of…?</li>
<li>What are the differences and similarities between… and…?</li>
<li>What are the strengths and weaknesses of...</li>
<p>In the example below, test questions that the instructor could ask about the text are written next to information that answers the questions.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/A/A-3.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Annotation Image 3">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3> Example of a fully annotated page</h3>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/A/A-4.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "Annotation Image 4">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 3</span> Reread your annotations</h3>
<p>When finished reading and annotating your sections, review your annotations to make sure they make sense to you. If you can’t remember why you highlighted a sentence or a summary doesn’t make sense, correct these annotations so they make sense to you. Having excess annotations, or annotations that don’t mean anything to you, will only distract you from the key information in your text.</p>
<p>This is a good time make sure you can answer any test questions you created. The more you expose yourself to your own annotation, the better you will remember them!</p>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 4</span> Frequently review your annotations until you could teach it. The more you review your notes, the better you will remember.</h3>
<p>Spacing out your study is key in helping you remember and retain information. Every day, or a few times a week, review your annotations by rereading them. Cover up sections with test-questions so you can answer them without looking at the answer.</p>
<p>Repeat this process until you can easily answer all your questions and can easily recall the information you highlighted, underlined, or summarized. Before a test or quiz, review all your annotations and test yourself using the questions you have created</p>
<p>Before a test or quiz, review all your annotations and test yourself using the questions you have created.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>Could I teach the concepts I annotated to the class?</li>
<li>What questions would they ask about my annotations?</li>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 1</span> Using a piece of notebook paper, create your T-chart by drawing a ling across the top line of your paper, and down the middle of the paper.</h3>
<p>T-charts divide your paper into 2 sections. In the right column, you will work through the problem and show your work. In the left column, you will write down your thinking process for each step.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/TC/TC-1.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "T-Charts Image 1">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 2</span> Add the topic or type of problem at the top of the page</h3>
<p>To help organize your notes, add the main topic to the top of the page. This is an important step so that you can quickly find your notes when you need to review for a text or quiz.</p>
<p>In the example below, the topic was taken from the section of the textbook that the problem is located.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/TC/TC-2.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "T-Charts Image 2">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 3</span> Write the problem you, or your instructor, are working on at the top of the right column</h3>
<p>Clearly write the problem you are working on at the top of the right column. It is important to write the entire problem, even if it is a long word problem, so that your chart shows the entire process of working through this type of problem. The problem may come from your homework or be the problem that your instructor is working on in class. If possible, choose a problem from the textbook that has the solutions in the back of the book. Many textbooks have the solutions to to the odd or even problems. Double check to see if there is a solution, but do not look at the answer!<p>
<p>In the example below, a problem was copied from the textbook into the right column.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/TC/TC-3.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "T-Charts Image 3">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 4</span> At the top of the left column, briefly describe the topic or problem</h3>
<p>Briefly describe problem you are working on and how you aim to solve it. This will check your general understanding of the problem and how well you understand the concepts behind the problem. When trying to solve any problem, it is important that you not only understand how to solve it, but also what the problem represents and why the solution is correct.<p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>What does the problem represent?</li>
<li>What is the purpose of solving the problem?</li>
<li>What does the solution mean?</li>
<li>What are the variables?</li>
<p>In the example below, a quick explanation of problem is included along with the general strategy as to how to solve it. A definition of the slope-intercept formula explains what the problem represents and its purpose. The general strategy of “rearranging the problem into y = mx +b” explains how to solve it. This helps set the general plan for how to solve the probem. Lastly, the variables are defined so that all the known information about the problem is explained in the column.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/TC/TC-4.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "T-Charts Image 4">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 5</span> Solve the problem step-by-step and show your work in the right column while explaining your thought process in the left column</h3>
<p>As you complete the problem, divide it into steps. Do this by skipping a few lines every time you change something about the problem. Every change is a step that needs an explanation. Then, describe how you changed the problem in the left column. Pretend that you are teaching the problem to yourself and write down what you would say for each step. Try to be as complete as possible. The more detailed you are in describing your thought process, the better your notes will help you in the future.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>What do I have to do for this step of the problem?</li>
<li>Why do I have to do this?</li>
<p>Be sure to leave space between the steps to make the notes clear. Also, be sure to check your answer! If you are unsure how to solve the problem, this process helps you identify the specific step of the problem that you need to focus on. Use your textbook, a classmate, the internet, or your instructor to help you solve the problem.</p>
</p>In the example below, every time the problem has been changed in the right column is clearly explained and labeled in the left column. Each step is explained is clear language and reflects the thought processes used when completing the work in the right column. A few lines were skipped between steps to make the notes clear. Also, the answer is clearly marked.</p>
<div class="step-image-click">
<<link [img[imgs/TC/TC-5.svg]]>>
<<set Dialog.wiki('<<include "T-Charts Image 5">>')>>
<<set Dialog.open()>>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 6</span> Make new t-charts for problems that require different steps</h3>
<p>While many problems you will encounter in homework and assignments will follow the exact same steps, sometimes there are special cases that require different steps or strategies. Make a new t-chart for those problems. In this way, you will have a step-by-step for all the types of problems you may encounter.</p>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 7</span>Frequently review your T-charts until you can easily answer the questions without reviewing your notes</h3>
<p>Spacing out your study is key in helping you remember and retain information. Every day, or a few times a week, review your t-charts until you can easily recall all the steps to solving the type of problem in your notes.</p>
<p>Repeat this process until you can easily answer all your questions in your homework and assignments.</p><h1>Homework as a Test</h1>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 1</span> Review your notes and textbook chapters about your assigned homework problems</h3>
<p>Take a few minutes to refresh your memory about the concepts that your homework covers. If your instructor covered similar problems in class, look them over. Instead of focusing on the right answer, focus on how the instructor arrived at the answer. Chances are you will never see that specific problem again. However, the steps that the instructor took to arrive at the final answer will apply to the problems will you see on future homework and tests.</p>
<p>If necessary, reread your textbook while focusing on the steps and procedures to address the types of problems in your homework</p>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 2</span> Put away your notes and textbook and enter test-taking mode</h3>
<p>Put your notes in a place close by but out of sight. The goal of this strategy is to attempt to complete your homework without the use of any aides, such as notes or the internet. Remember, most instructors will not let you use notes during a test or quiz, so this is practice for those situations.</p>
<p>If possible, put your textbook away. If your homework problems are in your textbook, cover up any information or examples that could give you clues on how to answer the problems.</p>
<p>Simply put: Don’t cheat. This strategy only works if you commit to working on your homework as if it were an actual test.</p>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 3</span> Work on your homework without the use of notes or your textbook</h3>
<p>To begin, choose a problem that has a solution in the back of the textbook. This way, you can check your answer. If your homework does not have solutions, use the internet to check for solutions so you can monitor your progress. However, do not look up answers to all the questions in your homework. Looking up answers is used to your understanding. You will not learn if you copy all the answers from the internet.</p>
<p>If you get stuck, set a timer for 5 minutes and try everything you can to solve the problem. Remember, this is a test. Just like in class, you should do everything you can to answer the question without using any aides.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>What do I remember about solving problems like these?</li>
<li>What would be the first step in solving this problem?</li>
<li>What has my textbook/instructor said about problems like these?</li>
<li>What would be my best guess to solve this?</li>
<p>If you are still stuck after 5 minutes of focused effort, look up the first step in answering the question and cover up any other information. After looking up the first step, and then set another timer for 5 minutes to do everything you can to solve the problem. After that 5 minutes, look up the second step and so on.</p>
<p>If you still cannot complete the homework after looking up all the steps, ask a classmate for assistance, go to the instructor’s office hours, or go the tutoring center.</p>
<h3><span class="step-word">Step 4</span> After completing your homework, reflect on what concepts you should review</h3>
<p>Completing homework in this fashion allows to quickly identify gaps in your understanding. This will allow you to address these gaps before your tests and quizzes, leading to higher grades and a better understanding of the content.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>If this were a test, how would I have done?</li>
<li>Which concepts did I know best?</li>
<li>Which concepts do I need to study more</li>
<p>After identifying the concepts you need to review, make a plan to study them.</p><div class="blurb-box">
<div class="blurb-text">
<h2>Concept Maps</h2>
<p>Concept mapping is a visual study strategy that organizes information into a web-like graphic. Students make connections between concepts learned in class and their own personal knowledge. Concepts mapping help students clarify what content they understand and what they need to to study more.</p>
<div class="blurb-button">
<<button "Preview">>
<<set $userStrat = "Concept Maps">>
<<script>> UIBar.show(); UIBar.update(); $("#ui-bar-body").scrollTop(0); UIBar.unstow()<</script>>
<div class="blurb-button">
<<button [[Select Strategy|Phase 4]]>>
<<set $strategyExists = "true">>
<<set $userStrat = "Concept Maps">>
UIBar.show(); UIBar.update(); $("#ui-bar-body").scrollTop(0); UIBar.stow()
<div class="blurb-image">
<img src="imgs/CM/CM-Icon.svg"
width= "50%"
</div><div class="blurb-box">
<div class="blurb-text">
<h2>Cornell Notes</h2>
<p>Cornell Notes are a notemaking strategy that allows you to easily record information from lectures and reading and to easily review that information for quizzes and tests. Cornell notes are a very flexible strategy that you can adapt to fit you own personal learning preferences.</p>
<div class="blurb-button">
<<button "Preview">>
<<set $userStrat = "Cornell Notes">>
<<script>> UIBar.show(); UIBar.update(); $("#ui-bar-body").scrollTop(0); UIBar.unstow()<</script>>
<div class="blurb-button">
<<button [[Select Strategy|Phase 4]]>>
<<set $strategyExists = "true">>
<<set $userStrat = "Cornell Notes">>
UIBar.show(); UIBar.update(); $("#ui-bar-body").scrollTop(0); UIBar.stow()
<div class="blurb-image">
<img src="imgs/CN/CN-icon.svg"
width= "50%"
</div><div class="blurb-box">
<div class="blurb-text">
<p>Annotation is active reading strategy in which you interact with and personalize information in the text you are reading. Effective annotation goes beyond highlighting key definitions. Proper annotation means actively looking for connections, relationships, main ideas, checking your understanding, and creating possible test questions.</p>
<div class="blurb-button">
<<button "Preview">>
<<set $userStrat = "Annotation">>
<<script>> UIBar.show(); UIBar.update(); $("#ui-bar-body").scrollTop(0); UIBar.unstow()<</script>>
<div class="blurb-button">
<<button [[Select Strategy|Phase 4]]>>
<<set $strategyExists = "true">>
<<set $userStrat = "Annotation">>
UIBar.show(); UIBar.update(); $("#ui-bar-body").scrollTop(0); UIBar.stow()
<div class="blurb-image">
<img src="imgs/A/A-Icon.svg"
width= "60%"
</div><div class="blurb-box">
<div class="blurb-text">
<p>T-Charts are a notemaking strategy that breaks down any problem into simple, step-by-step instructions. They will focus you on the process involved in solving a problem. By writing out your thoughts to each step, you will analyze how you think through each problem, resulting in a deeper learning.</p>
<div class="blurb-button">
<<button "Preview">>
<<set $userStrat = "T-Charts">>
<<script>> UIBar.show(); UIBar.update(); $("#ui-bar-body").scrollTop(0); UIBar.unstow()<</script>>
<div class="blurb-button">
<<button [[Select Strategy|Phase 4]]>>
<<set $strategyExists = "true">>
<<set $userStrat = "T-Charts">>
UIBar.show(); UIBar.update(); $("#ui-bar-body").scrollTop(0); UIBar.stow()
<div class="blurb-image">
<img src="imgs/TC/TC-Icon.svg"
width= "50%"
</div><div class="blurb-box">
<div class="blurb-text">
<h2>Homework as a Test</h2>
<p>Homework assigned by your instructors is an opportunity to check your understanding of the content you are learning. With this strategy, you will approach homework as if it were a test. You must work through problems in your homework without the use of your textbook and notes. This strategy challenges you to apply your knowledge and practice for tests and quizzes.</p>
<div class="blurb-button">
<<button "Preview">>
<<set $userStrat = "Homework as a Test">>
<<script>> UIBar.show(); UIBar.update(); $("#ui-bar-body").scrollTop(0); UIBar.unstow()<</script>>
<div class="blurb-button">
<<button [[Select Strategy|Phase 4]]>>
<<set $strategyExists = "true">>
<<set $userStrat = "Homework as a Test">>
UIBar.show(); UIBar.update(); $("#ui-bar-body").scrollTop(0); UIBar.stow()
<div class="blurb-image">
<img src="imgs/HWT/HWT-Icon.svg"
width= "50%"
</div><div class="intro-phase-box">
<div class="app-title">
<h1>Study Session App</h1>
<p id="lastText">This app is designed to act as a guide to help you enhance your learning. The metacognitive and self-regulatory prompts throughout this guide will have you reflect on your thinking as you study, leading to a more effective learning experience.</p>
<p><div class="phase-button"><<button [[Begin a Study Session|Phase 1]]>><</button>>
</div><div class="phase-box">
<div class="phase-title"><h2>Phase 1: Preview your materials</h2></div>
<p>The first step of any study session is to preview the information you are will be working with. By previewing, you are activating your prior knowledge about the content and preparing your brain to learn. Think about it as the scaffolding of a new building. Previewing builds the basic structure in your brain of the concepts you will be learning, which allows your brain to more easily make connections between new pieces of information.</p>
<p>If you are working with a textbook, flips through the chapters you will be working with and look at the introduction, chapter headings, bold words, pictures, graphs, and summary. If you are working with a slideshow, look at the slide titles, key words, definitions, graphics, and foot notes. If you are working with your notes, look at the topics, summaries, underlined/highlighted information, and questions you have created.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
<h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>What do I already know about these concepts?</li>
<li>What has my textbook/instructor said about these concepts?</li>
<li>What might be the best strategy to learn this information?</li>
<p><div class="phase-button"><<button [[I have previewed my materials|Phase 2]]>> <</button>></div></p><div class="phase-box">
<h2>Phase 2: Set a learning goal</h2>
<p>Setting goals is critical to successful study. Goals increase motivation, effort, and persistence. In addition, goals create a standard that you can use to assess whether your study sessions are effective or not. If you set a goal and feel like you reached it, your study session was a success. If not, then you should reflect on why you did not reach your goal and how you can change your habits or strategies to meet your goals in the future.</p>
<p>To set your goal, reflect on the information you previewed. It may also be helpful to look at your class syllabus and examine the topics covered in any upcoming tests or assignments.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
<h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li> What information was I unfamiliar with in my preview?</li>
<li>What topics will I need to know for upcoming assignments?</li>
<li> Which topics are most important to focus on?</li>
<li> Which topics will be the most difficult to understand?</li>
<p>After reflecting on these questions, write down your learning goal in the box below. This will help you focus your attention to your goal and also make it feel more real. To aide you in your goal setting, use the following stem:</p>
<p><div class="center-on-page"><<textarea "$userGoal" "By the end of this study session, I will be able to…">></div></p>
<div class="phase-button"> <<button [[I have set my learning goals|Phase 3]]>> <</button>> </div><div class="phase-box">
<h2>Phase 3: Choose a study strategy</h2>
<p>Now that you have a learning goal, choose a study strategy that help you meet your goal. Search for a study strategy in our study strategy database that will fit your needs.</p>
<div class="phase-button"><<button [[Find a study strategy|Study Strategy Search]]>> <</button>> <div>
</div><div class="phase-box">
<h2>Phase 4: Focused study time</h2>
<p>Now it's time to implement your study strategy to reach your learning goal. Follow along the strategy guide during your study session by untoggling the left sidebar. Be sure answer all the questions that the guide prompts you to ask. They are vital in making you learning more effective.</p>
<p>Set a timer for an amount of time that you think you can concentrate on your studies. This amount of time differs for everybody. If you have trouble concentrating for long periods of time, start with a shorter session. Over time, you may find that can build your focus stamina and concentrate for longer periods of time. Concentration requires practice!<p/>
<p>During this time, you must prioritize your studies and minimize the amount of distractions around you. If necessary, put your phone on airplane mode so notifications don’t interrupt your focus. This is a time committed to concentrating on your studies.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>Can I fully concentrate for the amount of time I have chosen to study for?</li>
<li>Do I have everything I need to fully concentrate during this time?</li>
<li>Do I need any water or a snack?</li>
<li>How can I minimize the distractions around me?</li>
<p>Your learning goal will also be displayed on the following page. Be sure to reference it throughout your study time to monitor your progress toward your learning goal.</p>
<p>When you when are ready to start, click the button below. Happy Studying!</p>
<div class="phase-button">
<<button [[I am ready to start my study time|Phase 4 Focused Time]]>>
</div><<script>> UIBar.unstow().show(); <</script>>
<div class="phase-box">
<h2>Focused Study Time</h2>
<p><span class="user-goal">
<img src="imgs/Icons/goal.svg"
width= "4%"
height="auto"/> <h4>Learning Goal</h4><br>
$userGoal </span></p>
<div class = "timer-box"> <<countdownTimer 901 "Phase 5">> </div>
<div class="timer-buttons">
<<button "+5 min">>
<<set _seconds += 300>>
<<button "-5 min">>
<<set _seconds -= 300>>
<span id="pause"><<button "Pause">>
<<if ndef _int>>
<<set _int = setInterval(function () {
State.temporary.seconds += 0.2;
}, 200)>>
<<run $("#pause button")[0].innerHTML = "Unpause">>
<<run clearInterval(_int)>>
<<unset _int>>
<<run $("#pause button")[0].innerHTML = "Pause">>
<div class="phase-button">
<<button [[I have completed my study time|Phase 5]]>>
</div></p><div class="phase-box">
<h2>Phase 5: Take a break</h2>
<p>Great job concentrating! Now it is time your give yourself a short break. Breaks are important to learning because your brain needs time to reset and make new connections to the material you just studied. Breaks are also good for your energy level and motivation.</p>
<p>Your break is your time and you know best how to relax yourself. Consider doing the following:
<li>Take a short walk</li>
<li>Get a snack or water</li>
<li>Use the restroom</li>
<li>Make phone call</li>
<li>Watch a short video</li>
<p>Don’t let yourself take too long of a break. Your brain needs a chance to reset, but taking too long of a break may get you distracted for your studies. Remember, you are still in a study session!</p>
<p>After your short break, move on to the next phase.</p>
<div class="phase-button"><<button [[I have finished my break|Phase 6]]>>
</div><div class="phase-box">
<h2>Phase 6: Review</h2>
<p>While getting settled back into study mode, take this time to quickly review the material you have already covered. By reviewing the material, your brain is getting another chance to process the material. This will help you remember the information better and may allow you to make new connections to the information.</p>
<p>While reviewing, it may help to try to paraphrase the information to yourself. Paraphrasing is putting the information into your own words. Try explaining the information to yourself without using your textbook or notes as a guide. The more you can put concepts into your own words, the more likely you are to understand and retain that information.</p>
<div class="phase-button"><<button [[I have reviewed my materials|Phase 7]]>> <</button>></div>
</div><div class="phase-box">
<h2>Phase 7: Evaluate Learning</h2>
<p>Now that you had a chance to review your materials and gauge your level of understanding, reflect back on your learning goal and your choice of study strategy. If your study strategy is effective and you feel you are making progress toward your goal, great! But if you feel that you may need to tweak or change your strategy, this is the time to make necessary changes.</p>
<p><span class="user-goal">
<img src="imgs/Icons/goal.svg"
width= "4%"
height="auto"/> <h4>Learning Goal</h4><br>
$userGoal </span></p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>Have I reached my learning goal?</li>
<li>Is my study strategy effective?</li>
<li>What changes can I make to my study strategy to make it more effective?</li>
<li>Do I need to continue this study session?</li>
<p>If you have reached your learning goal, then you are done and can end this study session. If have not reached your learning goal, then click below to go back to Phase #4. Continue to cycle through the study session phases until you have reached your goal.</p>
<p><div class="phase-button"><<button [[Continue session|Phase 4]]>>
<</button>> </div> </p>
<p> <div class="phase-button"> <<button [[Wrap-up|Phase 8]]>> <</button>> </div> </p><div class="phase-box">
<h2>Phase 8: Reflection</h2>
<p>Now that you have completed your study session, it's time to summarize your learning in writing. By doing so, you will have convenient learning summaries you can review for tests and quizzes.</p>
<p>This is also the time to think about how your study session went and write down any changes you think might make your future study sessions more effective.</p>
<p>Enter the subject or class you studied for today:</p>
<<textbox "$userSubject" "">>
<h3><u>Strategy Used</u></h3>
<h3><u>Learning Summary</u></h3>
<p>Summarize what you learned during this study session in the box below. It may help to pretend that you are explaning what you learned to a friend. Be sure to use your own words:<p>
<<textarea "$userSummary" "">>
<h3><u>Learning Goal</u></h3>
<p>Reflecting on your studies is a crucial element of effective study. Recording your reflections will allow you to quickly remember what you can do to improve your studies in a future session.</p>
<p><div class="meta-que">
<img src="imgs/Icons/meta-que-icon.svg"
width= "7%"
height="auto"/><h4>Metacognitive Moment</h4>
<li>Did I meet my learning goal?</li>
<li>What did I do that was effective?</li>
<li>What changes can I make to have more effective sessions in the future?</li>
<li>What factors (environment, mental/emotional feelings) impacted my study session?</li>
<<textarea "$userReflection" "">>
<p> <div class="phase-button"> <<button [[See study session summary|Phase 9]]>> <</button>></div> </p><div class="phase-box">
<h2>Study Session Summary</h2>
<p>Here is a summary of your study session. Copy and paste this summary into a learning journal so you can more easily review your notes and improve your study quality for future study sessions.<p>
<h3>Strategy Used:</h3>
<h3>Learning Summary:</h3>
<h3>Learning Goal:</h3>
<p>Email us at contact@studysession.app to let us know how we can improve your experience!</p>
<div class="phase-button"> <<button "Finish study session">>
<<run Engine.restart()>>
</div><img src="imgs/CM/Concept-Mapping-Step-1.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/CM/Concept-Mapping-Step-2.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/CM/Concept-Mapping-Step-3.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/CM/Concept-Mapping-Step-4.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/CM/Concept-Mapping-Step-5.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-1.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-2.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-3.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-4.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-5.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/CN/Cornell-Notes-Step-6.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/A/A-1.svg"
width= "80%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/A/A-2.svg"
width= "80%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/A/A-3.svg"
width= "80%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/A/A-4.svg"
width= "80%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/TC/TC-1.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/TC/TC-2.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/TC/TC-3.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/TC/TC-4.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><img src="imgs/TC/TC-5.svg"
width= "100%"
height="auto"/><<if $conceptMapSubjects.includes($searchSubject) and $conceptMapTypes.includes($searchType)>>
<<include "Concept Maps Blurb">>
<<if $cornellNotesSubjects.includes($searchSubject) and $cornellNotesTypes.includes($searchType)>>
<<include "Cornell Notes Blurb">>
<<if $annotationSubjects.includes($searchSubject) and $annotationTypes.includes($searchType)>>
<<include "Annotation Blurb">>
<<if $tChartsSubjects.includes($searchSubject) and $tChartsTypes.includes($searchType)>>
<<include "T-Charts Blurb">>
<<if $homeworkAsTestSubjects.includes($searchSubject) and $homeworkAsTestTypes.includes($searchType)>>
<<include "Homework as a Test Blurb">>
<</if>><div class ="phase-box">
<h2> Study Strategy Search</h2>
<p>How you study should depend on the subject. Historians read texts differently than scientists, and mathematicians think differently than writers. So, how you study for math should be different than how you study for English.</p>
<p><h3>What subject are you studying?</h3></p>
<<listbox "$searchSubject" autoselect>>
<<option "All">>
<<option "English">>
<<option "Humanities">>
<<option "Social Studies">>
<<option "Liberal Arts">>
<<option "Math">>
<<option "Science">>
<p><h3>Which type of studying will you be doing?</h3></p>
<<listbox "$searchType" autoselect>>
<<option "All">>
<<option "Homework Problems">>
<<option "Lecture">>
<<option "Reading">>
<<option "Test Prep" >>
<<option "Review">>
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